Home » How To Rollback WordPress Plugin Update

How To Rollback WordPress Plugin Update

Last updated on December 27, 2020 by

Does your site break after updating the WordPress plugin? Do you want to rollback the WordPress plugin? Then you are in the right place. In this article, we will show you the different ways to rollback WordPress plugin update. Let’s see it together.

Table of Contents
1. Rollback WordPress Plugin Update Without Using Any Extra Plugin
2. Using WP Rollback Plugin
2.1 Install WP Rollback Plugin
2.2 Rolling Back WordPress Plugins

01 Rollback WordPress Plugin Update Without Using Any Extra Plugin

You don’t need to install any extra plugin to rollback the previous version of any plugin but your installed plugin should be present on wordpress.org.

  1. Go to the wordpress.org and find out your plugin for example Gutenberg.
  2. Now, click on the Advanced View link as shown in the below screenshot.
rollback previous version of plugin
Figure-1 : Rollback WordPress plugin’s update
  1. Then scroll down, down, and down to the end of the page and you will see something like the below screenshot, and from there select a specific version and click on the download button.
download previous version of plugin
Figure-2 : Download previous version of WordPress plugin
  1. That’s it. Now, you can delete the existing plugin and install your specific version of the plugin in wp-content/plugins/ directory using FTP, File Manager plugin, Cpanel’s File Manager, etc. and don’t forget to reactivate it.

02 Using WP Rollback Plugin

Sometimes, people don’t want to follow the method like above one and want a very easy solution then you can follow this approach.

2.1 Install WP Rollback Plugin

  1. Go to the WordPress admin screen.
  2. Now, go to the Plugins -> Add New and It will open the Add Plugins screen.
  3. From the right top corner search the plugin with term “WP Rollback” as shown in below screenshot
wp rollback plugin
  1. Then click on "Install Now" and "Activate" It.

2.2 Rolling Back WordPress Plugins

  1. After installing the WP Rollback plugin, go to the Plugins -> Installed Plugins where you will notice a new Rollback link below each plugin.
rolling back wordpress plugin using WP rollback
  1. If you click on Rollback link then it will take you to a page where you can see which version you have installed and the versions you can rollback too.
rollback specific version of plugin
  1. Simply select the previous version and then click on the rollback button. The plugin will now display a popup with notice message and information.
rollback wp plugin warning message
  1. Now, click on Rollback button from the popup and WP Rollback will download and replace your current version with the version you selected.

That’s it for now. We hope this article helped you how to rollback WordPress plugin update.

Additionally, read our guide:

  1. How to Add Products Per Page Dropdown in WooCommerce
  2. “Sorry, your session has expired. Return to homepage” – WordPress WooCommerce Error
  3. How to Create a Plugin in WordPress from Scratch
  4. How to Disable Admin Bar in WordPress Without Plugin
  5. How To Send Custom Emails in WordPress
  6. How to Allow Preview of Draft Post Without Login in WordPress

Please let us know in the comments if everything worked as expected, your issues, or any questions. If you think this article saved your time & money, please do comment, share, like & subscribe. Thank you in advance 🙂. Keep Smiling! Happy Coding!


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